Saturday, July 02, 2011

SLU Museum of Art: Friday,22 July 2011

Friday, July 22 ยท 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Themis was the Greek goddess of divine law--the primal, unwritten laws governing human conduct, order and social control. This exhibit was open nationally to all WCA members. Christina Cosio, Assistant Director of Exhibitions Dept. at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, juror.

Exhibition runs from July 1 - 29 and is located at SLUMA on the fourth floor of the museum. Hours are Wed - Sun 11am - 4pm.

Artists include: Lydia Brockman, Jayne Chandler, Kacey Cowdery, Jennifer Drinkwater, Tracy Featherstone, Christine Giancola, Debra Jenkins, Ludmila Ketslakh, Barbara Mehlman, Mary Nichols, Brenda Oelbaum, Roxanne Phillips, Perla Segovia, Pamela Wallace

This exhibit is in conjunction with the Women's Caucus for Art summer conference: "Art & Social Justice" The conference takes place July 22 in St. Louis. For information on the conference

Saint Louis University Museum of Art (SLUMA)
3663 Lindell Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63108


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