Friday, April 27, 2007

Snowflake Gallery: Friday, 27 April & Saturday, 28 April 2007

The Art Project: Children with Autism Create

Friday 4/27 6-10 pm and Saturday 4/28 12-6 pm
Snowflake Gallery, 3156 Cherokee Street St. Louis, MO 63118

Please join us this Friday and Saturday during Autism awareness month to view artwork by children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism is a pervasive developmental disability that affects language, social, sensory, academics and behavior in children and adults. Often, children on the autism spectrum have extremely strong visual skills and learn, understand or even think in pictures instead of language. We find that visual art is a natural medium for many individuals.

Children with autism often have intense interests or fascinations that define and motivate them. Instead of squelching or redirecting those interests during the process of making this artwork, the organizers of this show wanted to encourage, celebrate and display these interests directly. The purpose of the show is to promote awareness of this disability, and to create work which the artists will immediately recognize and love as their very own.


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