Friday, December 08, 2006

Fort Gondo & Beverly: 8 December 2006

Opening at Fort Gondo works by Rebecca Bodicky. The opening is from 6-8pm:

Main Entry: wishful thinking
Function: noun: the attribution of reality to what one wishes to be true or the tenuous justification of what one wants to believe

In Wishful Thinking Rebecca Bodicky employs a variety of mediums to express her art. Intuition plays a significant role in her ongoing journey. Her work is process based and attempts to bridge the gap between what is real and what is imaginary.

Wishful Thinking is Rebecca's ongoing creative exploration that is both whimsical and fantastic, much the same way that a fairy tale is filled with anticipation and hope. She uses printmaking, watercolor and installation to achieve this end.

Also, at Beverly there will be a show featuring the following artists. Opening 6-8pm
Lizzy Snider, Emily Snider, Aaron Phleps, Chris Mosby, Erin Belanger, Jaffa, Roxanna-Annie

Visit our website for more information


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