Saturday, October 05, 2019

Duane Reed: Friday, 18 October 2019

Lindsay Pichaske
 “I use the animal figure to explore empathy and sentiency, and to challenge the perceived order and comfortable classifications of life.  My figures are tricksters—both familiar and alien, corporeal and ethereal—existing at the interface of human and animal worlds.  Their stoic postures and ornate, often beautiful appearances can act as facades for existential uncertainties.  They oblige our instinctual reactions, yet as we begin to identify with them, we admit that their identities are perhaps not so clearly defined.”

Steven Young Lee
 "The objects I create collect elements of form, decoration, color and material from various cultures while questioning failure, expectation and intent.  They offer a collision of influences from various origins–Chinese, Korean, French, Dutch, English, Minoan, etc. reflecting my passion for historical ceramics and insights on the past.  Ceramic production has long been influenced by an industrial standard of perfection and I commit myself to the integrity and craftsmanship of form and decoration in each piece. Deconstructing and imploding the forms creates a visceral reaction that defies the human desire for perfection and confronts the perception of value.  It is in this act that I hope to challenge and redefine what is beautiful."

Alessandro Gallo
 “Animals carry strong associations that make them ideal in portraying, sometimes humorously, our basic disposition or nature.  Some animals have a long cultural history while others display biological features that can be extended metaphorically to humans, which is why they’ve been used to embody intangible values and vices across all ages and cultures in numberless stories and myths.  Donkeys are stubborn, eagles are noble, pigs are greedy... I combine the animal head and the meanings they evoke with the silent language of our body and the cultural codes of fashion in order to portray some individuals, the larger subcultures they belong to and the habitat we share.”
4729 McPherson Ave
Saint Louis MO 63108


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