Tuesday, October 27, 2009

PSTL Window Gallery: Friday, 30 October 2009

Leo Collazo: Dredging the Sea of Tranquility
Please join us for the OPENING RECEPTION: Friday, Oct. 30, 2009, 6pm-9pm
Oct. 30- Dec.12

My work is usually autobiographical. It incorporates metaphorical and literal connections between man-made structures such as buildings, and natural structures and systems such as water, light, the moon, etc. I am inspired by their implicit dualities, which mirror the contradictions and complexities within our selves, and address an introspective narrative.

Edifices, and objects that are often inherent to them or exist within urban landscapes, are frequently present in my work. Many times I use actual architectural construction
materials and objects that are discarded from rehabbed or demolished buildings. Other non-architectural objects are derived from memories and are a personal subtext in the work. While these objects usually have connections to certain vivid recollections of my childhood in Cuba, I attempt to create a narrative that suggests something more universal.

Reflections are usually an integral part of the dialogue within the work. They create a communication between man-made structures and natural elements and hold connotations of self-reflection, inner dialogues and self-projection. There are no solutions offered. My main concern is to explore and communicate connections amongst our selves and our surroundings, within the mundane and the extraordinary.

-Leo Collazo

PSTL Gallery @ Pace Framing
3842 Washington Blvd.
Saint Louis, MO 63108
1/2 block west of the Contemporary Art Museum, Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts, Sheldon Art Galleries and the Bruno David Gallery
paceframing. com


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