Monday, September 22, 2008

Cecille R. Hunt Gallery: 3 October 2008

Opening Reception: Friday, October 3, 2008 6pm-8pm
Hours: Monday - Friday 10am ­ 4pm or by appointment.

The Cecille R. Hunt Gallery is pleased to present recent work by New York ­ based artist Jason Hackenwerth. Hackenwerth rigorously constructs complex balloon creations, which a spirit of wonder and oddity. Inspired by the forms of sea creatures, fossils, and giant prehistoric creatures, Hackenwerth’s forms evoke universal themes of life, birth and death. To build his monumental biomorphic sculpture, Hackenwerth knots and shapes hundreds of brightly colored inflated balloons into magical and ephemeral configurations and forms of lively cobbled creatures. The kinetic installations are made up of organic, latex neon forms, reminiscent of anemones and urchins. In addition, his large-scale photographs are meant to capture the sculptures in their most vibrant condition. They are set in what could be post-apocalyptic landscapes while simultaneously functioning as costumes they capture a moment of the performance. As wearable
sculpture, he temporarily inserts a soul into his creations, the works are at-once full of life and breath. Predictably, each tendril loses both the trapped air and their sense of vibrancy, the work visibly wilts over the course of the exhibition, their ephemeral nature reflects our own lives. They employ an eerie cinematic quality, portraying animated attack scenes, all acting as a philosophical inquiry into the nature of mortality.

Webster University ­ Visual Art Studios
8342 Big Bend Boulevard St. Louis, Missouri, 63119
314.968.7171 or


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